Principles of research ethics Learning outcomes: ➔ Describe 4 ethical principles for clinical trials ➔ List 3 ethical principles that were violated during the Tuskegee Study ➔ Describe issues of beneficence in the TGN 1412 Study. Ethics in "big data" research Learning outcomes: ➔ List the four core values that are at stake in Big Data Research ➔ List 7 fields of study included in Big Data Research
➔ Discuss the issues of balancing informed consent and governance in Big Data research ➔ Describe the Ten Simple Rules regarding responsible conduct of research in your country.
Research in resource-poor environments Learning outcomes:
➔ Explain why use of placebos in clinical trials may be unethical in developing countries ➔ Discuss issues related to provision of background and ancillary care, informed consent, access to the study intervention after the trial, and collaboration with host-country stakeholders.
How to write research papers that can be trusted and used
Reporting statistical methods and analyses Learning outcomes: ➔ Report statistical methods and analyses clearly ➔ Follow the Statistical Analyses and Methods in the Published Literature (SAMPL) guidelines on reporting statistics ➔ Better understand journal resources and policies on statistical methods ➔ Learn from examples of good reporting.
The results: reporting all findings succinctly Learning outcomes: ➔ Why the results section is less important than you think
➔ How to report study results accurately and fully ➔ Pitfalls of reporting results on associations and risks ➔ How to use reporting guidelines for the results of different study types
➔ Using tables and figures ➔ Using supplemental files ➔ Options for data sharing.
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