BMJ Learning leadership skills

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Leadership skills Access a collection of courses from BMJ Learning

This collection focuses on how to grow your leadership skills in a healthcare setting. The courses are designed to support and encourage doctors of all grades in developing leadership performance. Topics cover professional behaviours that underpin leadership effectiveness and those key responsibilities where doctors are expected to step up and set the pace.

Start learning

What’s included? Pretests | Learning bites | Multimedia | Assessments

Click on the blue boxes below to access the online courses

Courses in this collection

Introduction to managing others through change

Workload and time management

Engagement and managing change for primary care networks

Assertiveness in the workplace

The art of effective feedback

Team dynamics for primary care networks

Negotiating and influencing

Motivating and engaging others

Dealing with conflict

Coaching and mentoring skills

How to get the best out of your team

Decision-making for individuals and groups

Building professional relationships

Emotional intelligence

Managing difficult conversations and difficult people

Presenting skills

Please get in touch if you need further support | +44 (0) 20 7111 1105

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