BMJ Learning getting started guide


Continue your learning in progress - Courses you have already started will appear on your homepage when logged in. Click on the course to dive back in or click ‘See more’ to visit your BMJ Portfolio.

Browse by specialty - You can select your prefered course by clicking on one of the ‘Browse by specialty’ boxes on the homepage, or select the ‘Browse courses’ drop down function.

Search - You can use the search bar to type subjects, profession or keywords which are of interest to you. This will display a list of the modules which are relevant to your search topic.

Viewing module information When you select any module, you will be taken to the module homepage to help you to decide if the content is of interest to you.

The page will show you: • An overview of the module • The learning objectives • The type of module this is and whether it includes video, audio etc • The recommended audience

• The estimated time the module will take to complete • The module authors/contributors • The organisations which accredit the module

Competing Modules

From the module homepage you will be given the option to either ‘Start module’ or ‘Add to portfolio’. As you work through the module your progress will automatically be saved. You can also add the module to your BMJ Portfolio to complete at a later date. If you choose to start the module now, it will automatically be added to your BMJ Portfolio.

Getting Your Certificate When you have successfully passed a module, you can collect your certificate by selecting ‘Get certificate’, which can be printed, downloaded or saved in your BMJ Portfolio. You will be given a choice of who you would like to accredit your learning from a list of accrediting organisations.

Want to get in touch? E: T: + 44 (0) 207 111 1105

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