BMJ Learning quality improvement

First time users: If you don’t have an OpenAthens account, register for an OpenAthens username and password with your library contact. Go to and click ‘Log in’. Select the button ‘OpenAthens users sign in here’ and search for your institution. Institutions nearby or previously searched for institutions will be recognised and suggested on this page. Sign in using your OpenAthens username and password. You will then be prompted to create your free personal account on BMJ Learning. Click to create your account and start learning. Existing users: Already registered with BMJ Learning? Go to and click ‘Log in’. Select the button ‘OpenAthens users sign in here’ and sign in using your OpenAthens username and password. Then ‘Log in’ to your existing BMJ Learning account. The next time you visit BMJ Learning, you can either ‘Log in’ and enter your BMJ Learning username and password, or select the button to sign in using your OpenAthens username and password. Getting

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