Discover the real-world impact of medical research
BMJ Impact Analytics is the only tool focused on the real-world impact of research on health and social care. If you fund, publish or produce research or policy, BMJ Impact Analytics tracks where it’s cited in clinical guidance and health policy worldwide.
BMJ Impact Analytics is the proud winner of ALPSP’s 2023 Award for Innovation in Publishing and is a finalist for the OpenAthens 2024 UX Award.
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Evidence you can trust Make confident decisions with the most comprehensive database of trustworthy citation evidence from clinical, health, medical and policy sources, curated by BMJ Group’s expert team and updated daily.
Get close to patient outcomes Inform your research program and funding strategy with the most up-to- date and comprehensive data providing citation results that include local guidelines and tools used by healthcare professionals to deliver care.
See real-world impact in context Easily find and analyze the context and reach of citations in policy, guidelines and gray literature. Gain insights into the links between policy documents.
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