BMJ Best Practice overview

Step-by-step guidance on symptom evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, follow up and future prevention

Keeping up with the latest medical literature is a challenge for healthcare professionals. BMJ Best Practice is a user-friendly EBM tool that can be used both at the point of care and offline.

Procedural videos, 200+ Calculators, 30+ Specialties, EBM Toolkit, 500 Patient leaflets

Designed around the patient journey

Important Updates notify users when a topic has been recently updated

Straight to the point of care BMJ Best Practice is the only point of care tool designed around the clinical consultation, anticipating clinical questions and providing answers in seconds. Content is easily searched and presented in a concise, user-friendly format that is practical to use in the clinical environment. Content includes the most important clinical areas and emerging discoveries. Daily updates to research evidence and guidelines are based on peer-reviewed, expert opinion.

“BMJ Best Practice gives me cutting edge and up to date information on the conditions I am treating.”

Hrayr Attarian, MD Professor of Neurology Northwestern University

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