- BMJ Case Reports overview

BMJ Case Reports

casereports. bmj .com

Access to 2 7 ,000 cases covering rare and common diseases Author benefits • U nlimited case report submissions— eases the publishing pathway

Educational resources • R euse material for teaching—no further permission needed Logical organization • S earch by specialty, case type, patient demographics and publication date • B rowse tabs organized by recent cases, most-read articles, specialties and top-rated cases Interactive tools • R ate and comment on cases through e-letters and blogs • S ocial media integration allows fellows to share cases and network

• F ast and supportive peer review and rapid publication • T hirty-day decision and continuous online publishing • Cases are d eposited in PubMed Central • C ase types include: - Learning from errors - Myth exploded - New disease - Novel treatment - Unexpected outcome (positive or negative) - Images in... and more!

In North America uss ales @ bmj.com , in L atin America & t he Caribbean latams ales @bmj.com to inquire about a fellowship for your institution.

Case Reports Overview 07-24

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