- BMJ Journals Backfiles

Host it. Keep it. Forever Our BMJ Journals Backfiles collection guarantees perpetual access at your institution BMJ Group publishes high-quality medical literature that has contributed to significant advancements and the rise of EBM for over 180 years. Own the history. BMJ Journals Backfiles offer access to 700K+ high-impact articles, making it an invaluable addition to any medical library. Purchasing a license on behalf of your institution guarantees perpetual access to this wealth of medical research content, including: • Backstories of the significant findings in medicine • Research that has contributed to the rise of EBM • Records of clinical insight and medical research progress

Own the history. Forever Guarantee perpetual access at your institution to the BMJ Journals Backfile Collection BMJ Group publishes high-quality medical literature that has contributed to significant advancements and the rise of EBM for over 180 years. This collection grants access to 700K+ high-impact articles, making it an invaluable addition to any medical library. Purchasing a license on behalf of your institution guarantees perpetual access to this wealth of medical research content, including:

• Backstories of the significant findings in medicine • Research that has contributed to the rise of EBM • Records of clinical insight and medical research progress

BENEFITS FOR YOUR LIBRARY Perpetual access to digitized high-impact articles ensures the preservation of historical content, enhances and future-proofs your library’s resources. The BMJ Journals Backfile Collection fills gaps in your library’s records, offering seamless access to trusted medical content. Explore downloadable, printable articles, images, and tables in PDF format, covering a wide range of topics and advancements in healthcare and medicine.

LISTED ARE JUST SOME OF THE BMJ JOURNALS AVAILABLE AND FIRST PUBLISHED YEAR Archives of Disease in Childhood ADC - Education & Practice ADC- Fetal & Neonatal BMJ Innovations BMJ Leader

Injury Prevention Journal of Clinical Pathology Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health Journal of Medical Ethics Journal of Medical Genetics Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery Practical Neurology BMJ Military Health Medical Humanities Occupational and Environmental Medicine Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine Sexually Transmitted Infections Thorax Tobacco Control

1926 2004 1994 2014 2017 1917 1966 1992 2011 1995 1974 2017 1962 1983 2012 1998 1960 2010 1939

1995 1947 1947 1975 1964 1920 2009 2001 1966 2000 1944 1976 1925 1946 1992

British Journal of Ophthalmology British Journal of Sports Medicine BMJ Quality & Safety BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health Considerations in Medicine Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin Emergency Medicine Journal European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Evidence-Based Nursing Gut Frontline Gastroenterology Heart

In 2024, more than 34% of BMJ Journal articles downloaded in North America were published before 2011.

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