Once logged in, choose the template you would like to use from the selection listed on the ScholarOne homepage.
Once you’ve downloaded your chosen template, copy and paste your case report into it.
Click on 'Author' in the navigation bar above.
To submit your article click on ‘Start New Submission’.
When you get to the ‘Details & Comments’ section you will be asked to enter a fellowship code to prove that you, or your institution, has access to BMJ Case Reports . You can receive your institution's fellowship code from the person who purchased the fellowship e.g. Head of Department or Librarian.
To submit your paper ensure all the steps are completed correctly and then click on the ‘Submit’ button at the end of the page.
If you have a problem submitting your paper or finding your ‘fellowship code’ please email ussupport@bmj.com or call (855) 458-0579.
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