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Clinical trials and drug discovery

Figure 2 Mezagitamab depleted populations in a roughly CD38-dependent fashion. (A) Depletion of selected CD38 positive cell populations (labelled) plotted against baseline CD38 expression. (B) 20-cluster TSNE cluster mapping identified following CyTOF analysis reveals discrete populations (described in online supplemental figure 5) that are maintained over the course of study. (C) CD38 heatmap expression throughout study. CM, classical monocytes; mDC, myeloid dendritic cells; NK, natural killer; pDCs, plasmacytoid dendritic cells; TSNE, t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding.

reductions from baseline in CD38+ NK cells throughout the study. Reductions in absolute plasmablast counts were similar across mezagitamab dose groups. The maximum effects were observed 1 day after the first dose with −87.0%,

−69.4% and −75.8% median changes from baseline for 45 mg, 90 mg and 135 mg, respectively (figure 1B). Plasmablast counts returned to baseline values before the second dose administration.


McDonnell SRP, et al . Lupus Science & Medicine 2024; 11 :e001112. doi:10.1136/lupus-2023-001112

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