BMJ impact report 2021 | Making a difference with trusted information
A message from our CEO Making a difference with trusted information
Now, more than ever, health professionals need reliable information from authoritative sources to support their work and help them make informed choices.
However, as leaders in this field, we know that meeting those needs is about more than just words. We want our work to have a positive impact on clinical practice to improve outcomes worldwide. For this reason, I’m delighted to introduce our first impact report: only by measuring the effectiveness of our activities can we be sure we’re making a positive difference. When I joined BMJ as CEO at the beginning of 2020, I was immediately impressed by the incredible contributions made by every single staff member towards our vision of a healthier world. It is their tireless efforts
that ensure our organisation retains its reputation for credibility and trust. When the pandemic threw the world into chaos, we knew we had to place the clinical and public health response to this global emergency at the heart of everything we were doing. BMJ has continued to support authors, researchers, health professionals, and students through this time. And along the way, we’ve learned a great deal about our impact as an information provider, as a partner to organisations doing critical work worldwide, and as an employer.
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