Our impact: 2022

Better evidence | BMJ impact report 2022

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Delivering faster access to research through preprints Early access to research results accelerates the pace of medical discovery To improve the openness and accessibility of scientific findings in the medical field, we co-founded the medRxiv preprint server in 2019 we also encourage our authors to post their research as preprints. Since last year, we have also invested in integrating medRxiv with our journals platform to make the submission process easier for authors and to further speed up routes to the publication of peer-reviewed evidence.

Helping authors find the right home for their research Helping authors find the most appropriate journal for their paper is perhaps the most important thing we can do. At BMJ, we want good quality research to reach the right audience in the shortest possible time, and that means helping authors to find the right journal first time via the smoothest submission process. But if an author’s first choice journal isn’t quite right, our article transfer service can move papers on to a suitable journal home with no fuss, in as little as two days. In 2021 We helped 1,549 authors rejected from their first-choice journal to be accepted in an alternative BMJ journal Authors saved, on average, 35 days to receive a decision on their article when they transferred to another BMJ journal, compared to submitting elsewhere Authors who chose to use our article transfer service achieved an average of three citations and an Altmetric Score of 20 24

Preprints—manuscripts posted openly online prior to peer review—offer an opportunity to accelerate the dissemination of scientific findings to support responses to infectious disease outbreaks.” Johansson. MA, Reich. NG, Meyers. LA, and Lipsitch M. et al. Preprints: An underutilized mechanism to accelerate outbreak science | The Public Library of Science (PLOS) 20

medRxiv Making preprints mainstream

We want to reshape the way medical research is conducted and disseminated, and our co-founding of medRxiv with Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory and Yale University is helping us to do that. We are guided by one of our five company values that the best decisions depend on the best evidence, so have made it our responsibility to deliver a service that allows very rapid dissemination while checking that research is ethically and appropriately conducted and reported.

Enabling faster access to evidence with

Over 519K open access articles published 21 4.6 million mentions of open access articles 22

Being able to transfer the submission to another well-respected BMJ journal made for an appealing mechanism to resubmit as it allowed us to build on the reviews from our first submission.” Author, West Roxbury VA Medical Center, Boston, USA

Content published open access in our journals receiving 16M article views by over 13M users in more than 150 countries 23

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