Our impact: 2022

Better decisions | BMJ impact report 2022

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Playing a vital role in healthcare professional education The ultimate goal of medical education is to produce competent and safe healthcare professionals. In our evaluations during the past year, we used simulated scenarios to assess the usefulness, usability, and effectiveness of BMJ Best Practice with medical students. 40 We found that BMJ Best Practice enabled the medical students to arrive at the correct treatments for patients in simulated scenarios, and that it also enabled them to adjust these treatments appropriately to provide a tailored management plan. 84% of the students said they encounter patients with comorbidities on clinical placement 92% said comorbidities were not well covered in their curriculum 100% said the comorbidities guidance was helpful

Enabling doctors to advance their career with practical guidance In 2022, BMJ Careers saw a steep rise in the use of its specially curated information and guides authored by accomplished health writers. The range of topics is wide but very relevant to today’s jobseekers. The collection includes a complete guide series of 46 articles on how to become a doctor in specialty areas, comprehensive information on how to succeed at interviews or pursue a postgraduate fellowship, and delivers free advice for international doctors on moving to the UK to practise medicine.

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