How to Write a Case Report Leaflet

Patient information

The patient perspective This is optional and should be an account of the patient’s experiences: their interpretation of their signs and symptoms, access to healthcare, their treatment, and life at home, work and in the community after discharge. The patient should write in their own words. The authors should correct grammar and typos before submission. If the patient has dictated his or her perspective, the authors should transcribe (and state that they have done so). Please do not upload short statements of patient thanks or appreciation - these will not be published. Patient authored manuscripts We do not publish manuscripts where the patient is the sole author. If one of the co-authors is the patient described in the manuscript, the editorial office should be informed and the author statements appropriately completed at initial submission. These manuscripts should be carefully considered by the patient-author and the co-authors as anonymisation of patient details is difficult and the declaration that a co-author is a patient appears in the author statements at the end of the published manuscript. Please contact the editor and/or editorial office before submission to avoid disappointment.

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