At BMJ Group, there are a number of open access options available to you. You can choose to publish in: The BMJ , or in one of our f ully open access journals, transformative journals or hybrid journals. What are transformative journals? These are journals committed to the goal of transitioning to fully open research by gradually increasing their open access content in line with the open access growth targets set by cOAlition S. Read more about BMJ Group transformative journals. What are hybrid journals? These are subscription journals with an open access option that is applied to individual articles. Hybrid journals allow authors to publish their research open access immediately upon payment of an article processing charge (APC). This option is available for most of our subscription journals. Browse our list of hybrid journals. What is an Article Processing Charge (APC)? An article processing charge is a fee paid to a publisher once an article is accepted for publication. It’s charged to authors to make their research available open access in either fully open access or hybrid journals (when an open access publication option is chosen). The fee covers costs associated with peer-review, copy-editing, hosting and promoting the article. An APC is paid for by the author or on their behalf by their institution, funder or sponsor. Find out more about publication charges at BMJ Group. Our APCs vary by journal so please refer to the individual journal website for more details.
What is a Creative Commons (CC) licence? Creative Commons licenses allow individuals and organisations to create content and give permission for others to use under copyright law. There are a number of CC licences to choose from, however, most of BMJ Group’s journals permit the reuse of articles under CC BY-NC and CC BY licenses. Read more about open access licences at BMJ Group. What is a preprint and why use them? A preprint is a scholarly manuscript that is shared publicly before peer review. Most preprints are given a unique digital object identifier (DOI) and become a permanent part of the scientific record. The benefits of preprints include: • Improves the openness and accessibility of scientific findings: preprints enhance collaboration among researchers and document provenance of ideas. They can inform ongoing and planned research through improved openness and accessibility of scientific findings. Importantly, they allow the timely sharing of completed research within the academic community. • Allows for feedback and helps authors improve their manuscript: authors are able to make their findings immediately available to the health sciences community and receive feedback on draft manuscripts before they are submitted to journals for formal publication. • Leads to increased visibility and impact of an author’s work: most preprints are assigned a DOI which means they are discoverable, citable and indexed by search engines.
OPEN ACCESS AT BMJ GROUP Learn about how BMJ Group promotes knowledge and accelerate discoveries through open access OPEN ACCESS FOR LIBRARIANS Explore the different types of open access agreements we offer OPEN ACCESS FOR AUTHORS Discover the options available for you to make your research open access CONTACT US For general queries, please contact our customer services team., BMJ Group fully supports and encourages the archiving of preprints. In conjunction with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Yale University, BMJ Group have launched medRxiv, a preprint server for the clinical research community. Read more about preprints at BMJ Group . What subject areas does BMJ Group publish in? BMJ Group publishes over 60 journals in the areas of medicine and allied science. Our main subject areas include Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Respiratory Medicine, Paediatrics, Sports & Exercise Medicine, and General & Internal Medicine. Where can I find a list of open access journals at BMJ Group? Browse our list of fully open access journals and select the journal you are interested in for more information.
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