BMJ OA Institutional Guide - AUTO approval

BMJ Case Reports user guide

Institutional Guide to Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink ® Auto approval of funding requests

How to access • Visit • You should have received login credentials from BMJ Group. If not, or if you experience any issues, email Learn to access and use the RightsLink ® platform to manage your open access business at an institutional and consortia level, where funding requests are auto approved.

Balance You can check the balance of your OA Agreement at any time, on the threshold display screen. It may be displayed in monetary terms (as shown here), or with a token balance - depending on your Agreement. Now you can go to reports to generate a report which has information about your institution’s transactions. Reports Go to the ‘Reports’ tab to generate a report containing information about your institution’s transactions. The search and filtering func - tionality will apply to any transactions associated with your institution, whether they are funding requests submitted by authors or one-off transactions placed by a member of your team. After filtering the report using the criteria of your choice (primary author institution, selected dates, approved articles only), simply click ‘Run Report.’ This will give you a list of results on screen. To request a full Excel download of the report, email - including the name of your institution and the relevant date range. Your report will be emailed to you. To make the most of your institutional portal visit CCC’s library at

Librarian hub To help raise awareness of open access within your institution, visit our Librarian hub where you will find relevant materials to download and share.

Support For support, please email

BMJ OA insitutional guide - auto approval 1-25

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