- BMJ Impact Analytics latest updates

Data view of your results Results can be received as data views to allow you to quickly unveil patterns and trends. This facilitates a more intuitive understanding of the real-world impact of the research funded or published. The most recently launched charts allow users to identify collaborators at the author or institution level for top-cited research outputs, providing insights for further collaboration opportunities to expand the reach and impact of their research. Individual graphics and full data reports can be downloaded to be shared with stakeholders or used in case studies.

Open Access Badges and Filters As a funder, government organization, university or researcher, you can showcase the real-world relevance of the research funded or published Open Access and demonstrate the value of making research accessible to a wider audience. This feature allows funders to assess the relevance of their funding strategy, promote open research and make informed funding decisions that benefit both the research community and society.

Rojas-Rueda, et al. 95 quantified the overall health impacts to users from shifting urban driving to cycling, including increases in accident risk, air pollution exposure and improved public fitness The economic benefits of walking and cycling - pg 46 The UK Government (2014) “ Increased strategies to promote active transportation will increase

Responsible Metrics feature As a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), BMJ supports using multiple measures and metrics to portray impact. Across our products, where relevant, we are committed to abiding by DORA’s framework. What does this mean for data in BMJ Impact Analytics? We are open and transparent about the scope of our data and its limitations. Our Responsible Metrics feature provides detailed information on the caveats and limitations of the data so that funders, government organizations and universities can understand how to interpret the evidence of real-world impact.

City of Toronto (2015) “

this number of positive health outcomes. Pedestrian and Cycling Safety in Toronto - pg 6

Research output The health risks and benefits of cycling in urban environments compared with car use: health impact assessment study

Funders and researcher landing pages V iew results as a funder or researcher on the university landing page. The Impact Summary shows the top 10 policy and clinical guidance sources to quickly see which organizations and governments are using research to evidence their policy and clinical guidance and assess findings against research impact strategy. The global impact of research on policy and clinical guidance can be viewed by country so you can quickly see the global influence. It can help you assess whether research is making a difference in the regions or communities where you seek to contribute to change and see the global, real-world impact.

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