Our impact: 2023

Better systems Today’s health systems rely on robust policies and guidelines to deliver the best care for patients.

Our specialist skills and services help organisations improve their processes and achieve results.

Delivering nearly 100,000 total medical job applications through the BMJ Careers job board (39% increase year on year)

87% of respondents said they plan to make changes in their organisation or how they work as a result of attending the International Forum - Copenhagen 202 3

Championing open access publishing, with 86% of funded BMJ research articles being published under an open access licence

14K BMJ articles were cited in 6K policy and clinical guidance documents published in 2022*

Seeing a 99.5% surge in BMJ Best Practice sessions with EHR integration**

*BMJ Impact Analytics I Only impact tool dedicated to health care [Online] https://impactanalytics.bmj.com/

**99.5% surge in BMJ Best Practice sessions with EHR integration: Q1 2023 vs same period in 2022.

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