Our impact: 2023

Better evidence Staying at the forefront of scientific advances

media mentions of articles published in 2022** 770K

11 th

BMJ articles were cited in 6K policy and clinical guidance documents published in 2022* 14K

most cited publisher in Clinical Medicine, 8th in Public Health, and 8th in Health Services Research***


of our journals are in the top quartile of their category, with 15% ranked in the top five for their categories Over 60%

BMJ journals received their first JIF in 2023****


of BMJ’s 65 journals have a Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 56

news mentions of documents published in 2022, a 34% increase year on year


of BMJ journals indexed in Scopus saw an increase in their CiteScore in 2023

*BMJ Impact Analytics I Only impact tool dedicated to health care [Online] https://impactanalytics.bmj.com/ **Altmetric

***Analysis of most cited publishers ranked by total citations in 2020, 2021, 2022, Broad Research Areas, Dimensions 2023

****Seventeen BMJ journals received their first JIF in 2023, including, General Psychiatry 11.9, Family Medicine and Community Health 6.1, BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 4.8, and BMJ Health & Care Informatics 4.1

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