- BMJ BP Medical Education Tips

BMJ Best Practice Comorbidities Manager getting started guide The Comorbidities Manager from BMJ Best Practice is the first of its kind EBM tool, to help clinicians treat the whole patient, and is already supporting healthcare professionals worldwide to make the best decisions.

ways BMJ Best Practice can help medical educators save time and supplement lesson plans



Re-use case histories for cased-based learning

Map Best Practice content to your curriculum

Finding or writing scenarios that describe typical presentations to support problem or case-based learning can be time-consuming. Save time and use 1000+ case histories in Best Practice.

The range of diseases that are important in primary and secondary care can be mapped to your lesson plans. Use Best Practice to ensure you have comprehensive coverage of the curriculum presented in the order it will be applied.



Reinforce critical thinking by preparing students to practice EBM

Keep a record of their learning and reflections

The evidence-based medicine toolkit enables individuals to learn, practice, and discuss EBM. It includes state- of-the-art knowledge on everything students need to learn to assess evidence, weigh risks and benefits, and appraise systematic reviews and clinical trials. Educators love that they can leverage appraisal checklists, statistical calculators, and more. 5 Encourage self-directed learning Use Best Practice to assign self-directed learning. The tool was designed to be used in both a clinical and educational environment. The topics are structured to follow the clinical workflow meaning students will be able to learn about a condition the same way they would approach a patient’s presentation of symptoms.

Registering with Best Practice means users can track all of their learning and record their reflections per clinical question via the CME tracker. By sharing their personalized CME tracker, you can have an overview of their activity and understand how it’s impacted their thinking.

Educator Pro Tip

Model using clinical decision support for your students Search BMJ Best Practice with them! They will feel empowered to admit their knowledge gaps and be unafraid to look at a clinical decision support tool in moments of uncertainty. Encourage students to embrace digital health tools. Students won’t be able to memorize everything they learn. The volume and complexity of medical knowledge are too great, and they will need support. As technology becomes more sophisticated and ubiquitous, BMJ Best Practice will continue to evolve and ensure students can weigh the latest evidence and calculations in their decision-making.

Encourage students to use the following features:




Case reports



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