- BMJ Institutional Guide - Open Access

Leading health science journals from BMJ The BMJ One of the most influential and respected general medicine journals in the world. The BMJ features original research, reviews, expert analysis, authoritative opinion and medical education content. Rapid recommendations: Clinical guidance that is updated when new practice-changing evidence becomes available.

Open access agreements Your options

■ Read and publish agreements ■ Prepay accounts ■ Memberships

Open access at BMJ

At BMJ we believe that making research widely available and free at the point of use is critically important to advancing medical research and enabling healthcare professionals to make better decisions. We o ff er di ff erent types of open access agreements to help your researchers publish their work in leading scienti fi c journals at a reduced cost while complying with open access mandates.

Bene fi ts for institutions • Customised pricing packages that suit your institution’s needs • Wider reach and increased visibility of your institution's research • Compliance with funders' open access mandates • Reduces costs with discounts on open access article publishing charges (APCs) • User-friendly processes and reports - our system o ff ers simple payment processes and regular institution-level reports.

Bene fi ts for authors • Choice of over 60 peer-reviewed journals , including The BMJ and BMJ Open • Fast handling - from submission to decision, from decision to publication • Compliance with funder’s open access mandates including NIH, RCUK and Wellcome Trust • Global visibility - indexing in major bibliographic databases such as PubMed and Web of Science ensures their research is easy to fi nd and cite • Impact - One-third of our indexed journals rank within the top 10 of their category*. Our journals publish some of the world’s most in fl uential research a ff ecting public discourse and policy making.

Source: Thomson Reuters 2021 citation data ®

Our account has proved extremely successful. As well as enabling UCL authors to choose Gold open access at a

discounted rate, it removes much of the administrative burden of article publishing charges. Authors like the scheme and fi nd it easy to use. BMJ's open access team has been very supportive and helpful.

Catherine Sharp, Open Access Funding Manager, University College London

Choose the open access option that suits your institution

Read and publish agreements Our tailored read and publish agreements are designed to support institution’s transition to open access. These agreements remove the burden of publishing fees from individual authors, as well as providing read access to all existing and forthcoming BMJ journal content. Bene fi ts • Supports a gradual transition to a ‘pay to publish’ model for research articles • Compliance with funders’ mandates • Provides quality production systems and automated open access work fl ows • Advanced and fl exible reporting through dashboards – access your institution’s latest data anytime and from anywhere • The agreement covers all publishing costs and eliminates the administrative burden for researchers.

Prepay accounts An advance payment system that allows

Memberships Member institutions pay an annual fee (based on their open access output with BMJ journals in the previous year), which grants all authors at the institution a discount on the APC when submitting to any BMJ-published journal. Bene fi ts • Cost-e ff ective Annual Membership fee • Discount applied to APCs • Automated open access work fl ows • An a ff ordable way to help support your researchers with open access publishing.

institutions to deposit funds to cover the cost of open access publishing by their authors in any of BMJ’s journals. The APC (minus your discount) is deducted from the account balance on acceptance of the article. Bene fi ts • Institutions decide how much to pay upfront (minimum deposit amount required) • Discount applied to APCs • Automated open access work fl ows and advanced reporting through dashboards – access your institution’s latest data anytime and from anywhere • Automatic reminders if/when an account top-up is required • Unused funds automatically roll over to the following year • Streamlines the administration of your institution’s open access output • Authors pay nothing – the agreement covers all publishing costs.

To discuss your requirements contact:

Simon Neilson Institutional Open Access Manager Email: sneilson@bmj.com or oasales@bmj.com

Our journals portfolio boasts over 60 leading specialist journals, published on behalf of leading medical organisations and societies. Covering everything from ophthalmology to sports medicine, we publish cutting edge research, the latest thinking, expert opinion and news. To fi nd out more about accessing our essential resources contact uss ales@bmj.com .

BMJ OA Institutional options guide - Introduction 5-23

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