BMJ impact report 2021 | Better decisions
Better decisions
Research alone is not enough. BMJ helps doctors improve their knowledge and skills, apply the best evidence, and make better clinical decisions with evidence-based tools and services underpinned by the latest guidance.
Addressing clinical challenges
Comorbidities are a widespread challenge to the global healthcare system. One in three adults suffers from more than one chronic health issue, and one in three adults admitted to hospital in the UK has five or more conditions. The global covid-19 pandemic has further highlighted the problem, with over 60% of patients admitted to intensive care units having comorbidities.
which prompts healthcare professionals to consider the patient’s comorbidities when accessing treatment information. This produces an initial management plan tailored to the unique needs of the patient. In fact, BMJ Best Practice is the only clinical decision support tool to do this. Access to this information will help professionals and providers improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and avoid unnecessary treatments.
Now, more than ever, clinical teams need to adopt an integrated approach to patient care. This means recognising a patient’s comorbidities - and how they interact. Simple to say, but how do we put this principle into practice? Since its launch in 2009, multi-award winning BMJ Best Practice has consistently led the way in using the best available evidence to inform clinical practice worldwide. Last year, we launched an innovative Comorbidities Manager
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