Our impact: 2021

BMJ impact report 2021 | Better decisions

The Comorbidities Manager from BMJ Best Practice is the first of its kind to help clinicians treat the whole patient, and is already supporting healthcare professionals around the world to make the best decisions.

97% of users would consider using the Comorbidities Manager to improve the care that they give in the future. Results from a BMJ-led 1,000+ Comorbidities Manager user survey in 2020 showed that:

Improved accuracy of clinicians’ diagnoses was shown in a 2020 study that routinely collected clinical diagnosis data from electronic medical records of a hospital that had BMJ Best Practice integrated into its clinical decision support system (CDSS).

96% of users said having a treatment

plan that is tailored to your patient’s comorbidities is helpful or very helpful.

Shorter confirmed diagnosis times and

92% of users said the guidance they

hospitalisation days were also found to be associated with CDSS implementation. 18

received as a result of adding the tool to the treatment algorithm page was helpful or very helpful.

“Recently a doctor told me how information he accessed through BMJ Best Practice saved his patient’s life. You simply can’t overstate the importance of this information.” Lisa Jenkinson , Senior Library Assistant, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

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