BMJ OA Institutional Guide - MANUAL approval

How to access and manage your requests

• Visit • You should have received login credentials from BMJ. If not contact , or if you encounter any di ffi culties with the system, email the same address.

1.Balance Make sure that, before you approve or deny any funding requests, you check the balance of your OA Agreement. You will fi nd the following three tabs when you fi rst log in: Go to “ Funding Requests ” Billing Pro fi les Funding Requests Reports

2. Funding Requests The funding requests table will display all funding requests from your authors for articles accepted for publication by participating RightsLink ® publishers. Click on table headings to sort by order date, article title or status. • Sorting on status enables you to bring to the top all articles that need your attention: • Requests that have been acted upon are greyed out. • Requests that require action, have an approve or deny option in the far-right “Actions” column. • Click on a value in the total fees due column to see the order details, including a breakdown of charges and license con fi rmation. • Primary author information is provided. When hovering over the author's name, their email and

institutional a ffi liation (name and ID) appear, if available. Similarly, when a manuscript re fl ects funding and grant information, hovering over the funder's name will show the corresponding grant information. • Click on the arrow to the left of the funding request to expand the view and see more information (where available) to help you make a funding decision, including Secondary Author(s) (including the hover functionality as per Primary Author), Journal, DOI, License, Manuscript Type, Submission Date, Acceptance Date and Threshold Value.

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