- BMJ OA Institutional Guide - MANUAL approval

BMJ Case Reports user guide

Institutional Guide to Copyright Clearance Cent er 's RightsLink ® Manual approval of funding requests

Learn how to access and use the RightsLink ® platform to manage your open access

business at an institutional and consortia level, when manually approving funding requests.

Librarian Hub To help raiseawarenessof open accesswithin your institution,visitour librarianhub where you will find relevantmaterialsto download and share. http://bit.ly/BMJ-LibHub Support If you need any support accessing BMJ resources please visit uss upport@bmj.com For any other queries contact oasales@bmj.com

How to access and manage your requests

• Visit apcfunding.copyright.com • You should have received login credentials from BMJ. If not contact oasales@bmj.com , or if you encounter any di ffi culties with the system, email the same address.

1.Balance Make sure that, before you approve or deny any funding requests, you check the balance of your OA Agreement. You will fi nd the following three tabs when you fi rst log in: Go to “ Funding Requests ” Billing Pro fi les Funding Requests Reports

2. Funding Requests The funding requests table will display all funding requests from your authors for articles accepted for publication by participating RightsLink ® publishers. Click on table headings to sort by order date, article title or status. • Sorting on status enables you to bring to the top all articles that need your attention: • Requests that have been acted upon are greyed out. • Requests that require action, have an approve or deny option in the far-right “Actions” column. • Click on a value in the total fees due column to see the order details, including a breakdown of charges and license con fi rmation. • Primary author information is provided. When hovering over the author's name, their email and

institutional a ffi liation (name and ID) appear, if available. Similarly, when a manuscript re fl ects funding and grant information, hovering over the funder's name will show the corresponding grant information. • Click on the arrow to the left of the funding request to expand the view and see more information (where available) to help you make a funding decision, including Secondary Author(s) (including the hover functionality as per Primary Author), Journal, DOI, License, Manuscript Type, Submission Date, Acceptance Date and Threshold Value.

3. How to approve and deny funding requests via central dashboard Institutional portal users can approve or deny each funding request under their pro fi le. Visit the funding requests tab to review research articles accepted for publication, by participating RightsLink ® publishers including BMJ. Once an author, a ffi liated to your institution, has an article accepted for publication you will be alerted by email, which will include the article information. If you approve the request, the order will be deducted from the available APC fund and the author will be noti fi ed of the approval. If you deny the request, you must provide a reason for the denial which will then be shared with the author so that they can take the next best action (resubmit the request or pay themselves).

Approving funding requests Click the green 'Approve' button and the following pop-up will appear, asking you to con fi rm your intent to approve funding. Once approved: If you approve the request, a con fi rmation email will automatically be sent from RightsLink ® to the author. The article will proceed through production and is then published open access in the journal of your choice. The order con fi rmation page is updated to re fl ect a Funding Approved message displayed above the charges table. The transaction appears on the next eligible invoice per the billing pro fi le’s 'Invoice Grouping' and 'Invoice Frequency' settings. Denying funding requests When you deny a funding request, the following screen appears: The drop-down list includes prede fi ned reasons for denying a funding request. One of the following might be selected. • APC exceeds maximum fee limit • Missing required Creative Commons license

• Funding no longer available • Questioning author a ffi liation • Other (note below).

If you select Other (note below) you will be prompted to supply supplementary information. When you deny a request, an automated email will be sent to the author. This contains the reason for denial and will prompt the author to take the appropriate best steps. Funding statuses, including deny reasons, appear in your reports so that you can easily fi lter and analyse patterns.

Running reports

4.Reports Go to the 'Reports' tab to generate a report which has information about your organisation’s transactions. The search and fi ltering functionality will apply to any transactions associated with your organisation, whether they are funding requests submitted by authors or one-o ff transactions placed by a member of your team.

After fi ltering the report using the criteria of your choice (primary author institution, selected dates, approved articles only), simply click 'Run Report.' This will give you a list of results on screen. To request a full excel download of the report you'll need to email oasales@bmj.com - including the name of your institution and the relevant date range. Your report will be emailed back to you.

For more resources to make the most of your institutional portal visit CCC's library at www.copyright.com/rlinstitutionalportalrc/guides/

Librarian Hub To help raise awareness of open access within your institution, visit our r ibrarin hub where you will fi nd relevant materials to download and share. http://bit.ly/BMJ-LibHub

Support If you need any support accessing BMJ resources please visit uss upport@bmj.com For any other queries contact oasales@bmj.com

BMJ OA Institutional Guide - MANUAL Approval 5-23

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